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中英网  www.uker.net  2007-03-02  来源: 澳际  作者: 佚名

. Advantages and disadvantages of private cars.

With the fantastic spur both in industry and in economy in China, the number of people who own private cars is on the rise. Some people have bought cars of their own, and others are planning to buy cars. But there have been two quite different views on this phenomenon.
Some claim that there are many advantages brought about by cars. First, the automobile industry provides jobs for countless workers and strong support for other industries. Second, if conditions permit, owning a car can make us work more efficiently. Finally, life will become more convenient. A car allows one to move freely and with a car there is no need to wait for the bus in the cold or under the burning sun.
However, others strongly object to the increase in developing private cars. They hold that automobiles will give rise to a series of problems. In the first place, as more and more cars are produced and run in the street, a large volume of poisonous gas will be given off, polluting the atmosphere and causing actual harm to the health of people. Next, private cars contribute to traffic congestion so greatly that the advantages gained in comfort and freedom are often cancelled out by the frustration caused by traffic jams. The last problem is the increasing number of car accidents that have killed and will kill a lot of people in a friction of a second.
In my opinion, although automobiles have been playing a vital part in the daily activities of our society, they also bring us numerous troubles such as more serious environmental pollution, more traffic accidents and more energy consumption. They drink up huge amounts of fuel and throw out huge amounts of pollutants. Traffic accidents kill thousands and thousands of people each year and cripple more. Jams waste our precious time. Therefore I am against developing private cars.

2. Air transport is increasingly used to export some types of fruits and vegetables to countries where those plants can not grow or are out of season. Some say it is a good thing, but others consider this use of transport cannot be justified. What do you think?

Nowadays, there is no denying that air transport has become a heated argument on which people hold quite diverse standpoints. Some people claim that different types of fruits and vegetables can be exported to countries where those plants are everyday requisites that are not available in the market, while others advocate that this use of transport cannot be justified. As far as I am concerned, I am of the viewpoint that it is essentially important to make good use of air transport, provided that it is properly regulated and superintended by corresponding government watchdogs.

Firstly, air transport can cater for the basic needs of those people who have almost no access to those daily necessities since these fruits and vegetables are out of their local market. Recent surveys have found that nearly 60% of the countries or regions all over the world have to import goods and products from other countries with an aim to satisfying people's requirements, and among those things from other countries such agricultural products as fruits and vegetables rank in the first place.

Furthermore, air transport can not only boost the local economy but also increase the fiscal revenue of the government. Furthermore, the government can take advantage of the money to improve the living standard of the locals. Only in this way can local residents benefit a great deal form air transport.

Last but not least, air transport allows countries in the world to specialize in the state-of-the-art techniques of manufacturing and processing in order to optimize natural resources that are the most valuable wealth that human beings shall cherish so as to stimulate their economy continuously since the trend of global cooperation and collaboration is inevitable and indispensable.

From the above-mentioned analysis, we can easily reach the conclusion that air transport of fruits and vegetables plays a vital and indispensable role in both people' life and the country's economy, and I have the convicted faith that people will really utilize it positively and proactively.


Essay Question 10/15
In many countries, good schools and medical facilities are available only in cities. Some people think new teachers and doctors should work in rural areas for a few years. But some others think everyone should be free to choose where they work .Discuss and give your own opinion.
In this day and age, it can be generally observed that the disparity between cities and the country has been aggravated by relentless urbanization. With respect to educational and medical facilities, a yawning gap has emerged between those in cities and the rural ones. This manifest chasm has prompted some to suggest that teachers and doctors fresh out of university work in the country for a few years.Yet many are opposed to this view on the grounds that it infringes upon individual freedom to choose where they work.Personally, I think both these two views have merit and demerit.
Granted,assigning new teachers and doctors to the countryside may create certain benefits.To begin with,this practice can help foster a strong sense of obligation in many teachers and doctors.They can experience first-hand how the rural residents are held back by the out-moded teaching and medical facilities and this, in turn, can inspire a host of professionals to commit themselves to the alleviation of this disturbing situation. Moreover,the inferior living and working conditions in the country can temper many of these young professionals’ soul.They are very likely to be more tenacious and determined and hence more successful than their urban counterparts in later careers.
However,there are even more drawbacks that this practice can engender.In the first place,many young teachers and doctors will feel unmotivated or frustrated if they are sent to rural areas against their own will.They may have a hard time getting accustomed to the shabby housing and primitive facilities and slack off at work.In the second place,if new teachers and doctors are coerced to work in the countryside, a considerable proportion of them may find it daunting when it comes time for them to relocate to cities after a few years in the country.They will feel intense occupational stress when they cannot operate efficiently equipment much more advanced than the devices they are used to back in the country school or hospital. Last but not least, given the inferiority of the rural educational and medical facilities,it is highly probable that the inexperience of new teachers and doctors will lead to unsatisfactory job performance in rural schools and clinics.We really cannot expect fresh recruits to work wonders with outdated tools.
In the final analysis,I concede that sending teachers and doctors fresh out of college to the countryside may produce specific advantages. However,if we enforce this indiscriminately,that will surely generate even more banes. On balance, I am convinced we should optimize our workforce and honor the individual freedom in determining where they work.




这道题重点在于两方面都要讨论:workersemployers。当然是对两种人都有好处,主要从省钱,提高工作效率,增加和家人在一起的时间,就业和招聘变得容易几方面讲。(永远不要写什么让步段,鼓励人写让步段的一定是自己没有亲自参加过雅思考试的人。因为a 考生考完听力和阅读和写作task1之后根本没有剩余的脑力去组织好让步b 英语水平低于大学英语专业教师水平的考生一定无法把让步段和上下文衔接自然;c 要拿高分根本没有必要非让步不可。事实上我看了一些雅思写作教师范文"的让步段,都写得不够成功,让步段是很多作文里明显的画蛇添足部分)。主旨句和主题句不要忘了 :)
7/16 essay question
Many people work at home using modern technology today.Some people think only workers benefit from it,not the employers.To what extent do you agree or disagree?
Progressions in telecommunications technology have enabled the practice of telecommuting,which means workers can conduct their assigned tasks without having to commute back and forth to work regularly.This emerging working pattern has profound implications on our work and life.Some assert thatonly workers,not the employers,can be beneficiaries of telecommuting.Personally,I cannot go along with their view.
Granted,telecommuting can bestow numerous benefits upon the employees.To begin with,employees do not have to live with the constant fear that their boss may look over their shoulders,as their work is supervised from far away and in more laissez faire fashions.There is no need for them to get super well-groomed and they can "slack off" a bit when the work-induced stress is too intense to bear.They can even do aerobics or take showers to refresh themselves provided they can meet the deadline set by their bosses.Furthermore,telecommuting can spare workers the everyday chore of traveling back and forth to work.And this,in turn,helps them to cut down on costs of bus fare,fuel or extravagant work clothes.Lastly,telecommuters can dedicate far more time to their spouse and offspring than office-bound workers.This can,doubtless,strengthen their family ties or may even salvage dysfunctional households.
Yet it would be erroneous if we fail to ackowledge the advantages telecommuting can confer on the employers.In the first place,less constraints,less peer pressure at work,no office politics and more flexible schedules can boost employee morale and enhance productivity.Empirical evidence abounds in this respect that more occupational freedom can,more often than not,lead to stronger vocational motivation and more innovative ideas.Hence,employers may well be better off not keeping tabs on their workers nine to five every weekday.In the second place telecommuting work force can help business-owners substantially curtail the overhead costs,such as the costs of rent and utilities.Thirdly,the fact that workers can telecommute via the worldwide communications network allows employers to recruit people from remote locations or even half way around the globe,thereby markedly augmenting the labor pool of businesses.Last but not least,employers will not be plagued by petty concerns such as absenteeism and excessive sick leaves anymore if workers telecommute.
To conclude,I concede that telecommuting can bring about a variety of boons to employees.However,it would be unjustifiable if we overlooked the advantages telecommuting can spawn on the employers' side.And we should strive to seek out the most effective approach to exploit this win-win situation.



Patrick写的7/23 A 类范文

Patrick 写的7/23 A 类范文
7/23 Essay question
Some people think the media should not report details of crimes to the public.To what extent do you agree or disagree?
With the crime rate hovering at high levels, the print as well as the broadcast media thrive on detailed crime coverage. They dedicate large proportions of their space or airtime to ghastly crime stories and this trend is showing no sign of abating.Whether the media should publicise detailed accounts of criminal acts has triggered spirited debate.Many assert that the news media should refrain from revealing details of crimes.Speaking from myself,I cannot agree more with their view.
In the first place,given the mercenary motives behind most detailed crime coverage,it is advisable for us to discredit and discourage this practice.Today,most news outlets have their own crime reporters covering the police beat.Yet the principal purpose of such assignment is,in most instances,not to uphold the criminal justice system or to alarm the citizenry over some very real criminal threats,but to jack up newspaper circulations or television ratings. Consequently, much detailed crime coverage is biased, magnified, misrepresented,deliberately titillating or fraudulent.It only serves to terrorise communities and leave a multitude of law-abiding citizens constantly apprehensive, if not paranoid,about crime.
In the second place,detailed reports of crimes by the press afford the potential criminals very instructive learning materials,which are hard to obtain otherwise. Recounting premeditated crimes in graphic detail in the public domain helps those who are in the process of planning some criminal act perfect their schemes.Drawing on the well-documented crime stories in the media,would-be criminals learn how to avoid the pitfalls in their crime,thereby making themselves harder to identify and track down after the crime is actually carried out.And this in turn,may aggravate the already soaring crime rate.
Thirdly,detailed reports of heinous crimes may permanently traumatise the victims of the reported crimes.Without the victims’ consent,glaringly vivid and graphic accounts of flagitious crimes may constitute recurring nightmares to the individuals who have been victimised by these crimes.And given the pressure to “scoop” their rivals,to expedite things news outlets rarely consult the victims before they depict lurid details of horrific crimes to the public,in an attempt to satisfy the base curiosity of some crime-obssessed readers and viewers.
In sum,detailed crime coverage in the media is,more often than not,sensationalised so as to boost their market penetration.Even when some crime reporters wish to play the role of an objective chronicler, the divulged details can serve to facilitate future crimes and force crime victims to relive the horrible moments they experienced during the crime.And I am convinced if detailed crime coverage goes unchecked,it will continue to exert baneful influence on individuals,communities and societies.


Patrick写的8/13 A 类范文

以前在大学里正好选修过cognitive psychology(国内应该叫认知心理学),明年或后年再回北美读Master's,我想要修的也正是cognitive psychology。所以对我来说,8/13这样的题目是right up my alley,或者It was my forte.或者干脆说It was just a cinch. :)
We can get knowledge from news. But some people think we should not trust the journalists. What do you think? And What do u think are the important qualities that a journalist should have? (1/8)
Many people are optimistic about the 21st century and see it as an opportunity to make positive changes to the world. To what extent do you agree or disagree with their optimism? What changes would you like to be made in the new century? (5/21)
Many people say that we have developed into a “throw-away society”, because we are filling up our environment with so many plastic bags and rubbish that we cannot fully dispose of. To want extent do you agree with this opinion and what measures can you recommend to reduce this problem?
introductory paragraph+ argumentation +report+ concluding paragraph
不过因为8/13的题目的辩论部分比前三道题要更复杂一点,所以我们可以把结构稍微改一下,采用折衷式写法,中间两个主体段分别讲先天和后天对犯罪倾向的影响,主体段1讲先天因素对犯罪倾向确实有影响,主体段第二段讲小孩在三岁以后收到的家庭,学校,社区以及社会的影响对犯罪倾向才是决定因素,结尾段再写解决办法,这样问题能辩论得更清晰。因为我对这个话题比较熟悉,而且写的时候是在青岛海边,有感而发,不知不觉就写得很长了。不过结构(thesis statement,topics sentences)还是按照雅思的套路,用词多数也限制在我为同学总结的常用300词以内。
Many scientists believe that now we can study the behavior of a three-year-old child to see whether they will grow up to be criminals. To what extent to you think the human nature produces crime? And how can we prevent the children from growing up to be criminals?
In this day and age, the phenomenal advances in behavioral genetics have generated a plethora of evidence backing up the mythical existence of “human nature”, thereby inducing many scientists to argue that now we can, by way of behavioral research, ascertain whether a toddler is bound to transgress the law in his/her later life at the tender age of three. Underlying this assertion is the assumption that the environment an individual grows up in does not constitute a determining factor in the formation of his/her personality, dispositions or inclinations, and in particular aggression, poor stress-management, impulsivity and risk-taking profiles. Personally, I agree with their assertion inasmuch as some negative human traits are heritable, which in turn, may mean some people are genetically predisposed to criminal acts. Yet I differ with these scientists in that I do not deem a individual ’s genetic makeup the exclusive or chief determinant of his/her criminal tendency. And I detest any attempt to predict young children’s probability of committing crimes in their future lives by merely studying their behavior at an early age.
Granted, empirical evidence abounds that some unfavorable character traits can be hereditary. Time-honored proverbs such as “Boys will be boys. ”,”It runs in the family .”and “Like father, like son. ”aptly illustrate that some characteristic human behaviors are due to genetic impulses and may be beyond voluntary control. And in recent decades, successions of psychological experiments have confirmed that many vicious human attributes and preferences such as rage, alcoholism, substance addiction, deviant sexual orientation and aggression, can often be linked to the programming of one’s DNA . It seems that there really is such a thing like bequeathed “ criminal human nature” within some of us.
However, these scientists fail to acknowledge that the environment an individual grows up in plays a much more pivotal role in the molding or undoing of one’s behavioral tendency .For instance , we are all too familiar with the real-life rags-to-riches stories about how sound parenting by nurturing and sensible mothers paved the way for the glorious future success of their offspring, who supposedly had “evil genes” passed down from alcoholic and wife-bashing fathers. Moreover ,it is generally recognized that adolescents who have been reared in crime-ridden neighborhoods are much more prone to crime than their safe-neighborhood counterparts, even if their parents do not have any criminal record. This also lends credence to the belief that influence from the environment prevails over inborn predispositions in the shaping of individual criminal tendency. Likewise, the manifest correlation between the proliferation of violent scenes in video games and the rocketing incidence of juvenile delinquency suggests that even if children do not inherit “violent” genes , sustained exposure to blood and guts can render them more crime-prone. Furthermore, evidence resulting from identical-twin and adoption studies has repeatedly verified that : (1) even when two kids have strikingly similar genetic makeups , if brought up in dissimilar environments, they will end up with substantially different behavioral tendencies owing to the habituating influence from distinct environments ;(2)adopted-away children have more in common with their adoptive parents than their biological parents with reference to behavioral tendencies. Mounting evidence like this affords very compelling backing for the view that life experience outweighs genetic programming in the shaping of one’s overall personality , whereof criminal tendency may be a component .Thus ,when it comes to the issue of “criminal human nature”, I would like to contend even if it does exist, it must be paradoxically protean, malleable and principally determined by one’s cumulative life experience in one’s intermediate and late childhood, when his/her faculties and cognitive abilities have been sufficiently developed for him/her to participate in interactive activities voluntarily, and also in one’s subsequent adulthood. Lastly ,behavioral genetics is not an exacting science at this point. It is still in its infancy and has been open to debate ever since its inception. Hence, it would be utterly inappropriate if we proclaim prematurely whether a three-year-old will be an offender in the future on the basis of some shaky behavioral study.
To conclude, although we should not discount the role genetic constitution plays in the formation of individual personality in general and criminal tendency in particular, it is unadvisable to suggest that genetics outbalances one’s upbringing and other life experience in this regard .More often than not ,a host of reasons can be cited when an offense is perpetrated, such as poverty , homelessness , drug abuse ,pernicious influence from the media and so forth. And since at this stage there are no technologically feasible and ethically sound means of engineering away the “criminal genes ”in sight yet, what we should underscore most must be to create more wholesome societal, communal and familial environments for children to grow up in. Propagation of sound parenting ,crackdown on domestic violence, more stringent censorship of gruesome violence and gratuitous sex in the movies and TV shows, poverty alleviation, promotion of compulsory education for school-age children and rolling back of the overall crime rate in society are all conducive to such environments. And with respect to the identification of criminal tendency, any attempt to determine the future criminal tendency of a toddler would be fundamentally presumptuous and would unjustifiably stigmatize or even criminalize many innocent children who would be raised and educated to be law-abiding citizens and consequently, jeopardize the criminal justice system.



Patrick写的8/20 A 类范文

Patrick写的8/20 A类范文
Dear All:
Cultural anthropology
曾是我中学时的最爱,爱读Margaret MeadRuth Benedict,也曾想过本科象Yo Yo Ma那样去Harvard读人类学,最终因为怕毕业找不到工作而放弃了。八月份真的hit the jackpot,每道题都是我一度很感兴趣的话题,无论8/6号的环保,8/13号的认知心理学还是8/20号的文化人类学......像往常一样为学生写了范文,也像往常一样贴在网上。
8/20 essay question

Some people think that people who move to new countries should accept the new culture as their own,rather than live in separate minority groups and in different lifestyles.Do you agree or disagree?
点题: 典型的argumentation,采用折衷式观点(既要接受主流文化,又要保持自身文化特性)会更好写一些,而且让文章更具思辩性
高分关键词:acculturation (noun)集体层面上的文化适应 transculturation个人层面上的文化适应 cultural diversity文化多元化 national unity and cohesion 国家的凝聚力 disintegration (noun) 瓦解 be culturally assimilated into(移民)成为其目的国文化的有机部分
Successive immigration waves in preceding centuries have rendered numerous countries multi-racial.Over the process,the issue of massive acculturation had been cast into sharp relief.Hence the intense controversy over immigrants' attitudes toward the recipient culture.Some contend that immigrants should not just cloister themselves in separate minority groups,but accept the culture of their host countries as their own.Personlly, I think this view has both merit and demerit.
On the one hand,it is manifest that adjusting themselves to the local culture and mores is vital to the survival,self-sufficiency and success of the internationally-relocated.First and foremost,ready availability of the very kinds of food,shelter,clothing and tranportation that they were once so used to in their home countries is largely non-existent in their immigration destinations.Their dietary,dressing,dwelling and transportational preferences must be substantially altered to fit into new material environments.Secondly,it is highly improbable that a new immigrant's academic excellence or occupational prowess can get recognized fully if his/her conduct and values are deemed "foreign" by his/her teachers,classmates or supervisors and colleagues.Behavioral, linguistic,and conceptual adaptation to the mainstream culture of the host country ensures that he/she can grow and prosper academically or professionally.In addition,immigrants' acculturation is key to the national unity and cohesion of their host countries.History has proven repeatedly that multi-racial countries consisting of ethno-centric groups clinging indiscriminately and insensibly to their own values and convictions could rarely avert the fate of disintegration
Yet on the other hand,there can exist disadvantages or perils if immigrants desert their own cultural identities altogether.In the first place,they would suffer severe identity crises if they abandon their own cultural characteristics,which help them validate and
re-affirm themselves.And the dreadful sense of rootlessness,insecurity and disorientation ,in turn,produces frustration about the transculturation process,depression or the undesired eventual return to one's home country.In the second place,the voluntary abandonment of their native cultures erodes their affinity for their countries of origin.When attachment to the culture of their home countries is gone,their motherland would be little more than just a geographical proper name to them.Lastly, multi-ethnicity can serve to enrich a nation's culture immensely and total rejection of immigrants' native cultures only undermines the inherent cultural diversity of multi-ethnic nations.Consider the quintessential immigration country --the US,which is often dubbed "tossed salad"for its marvelous cultural heterogeneity.What if Jewish Americans ceased to commemorate hanukkah,Italian American restauranteurs removed pastas from their menus and Irish Americans were indifferent to the observance of Saint Patrick's Day?
To conclude,I concede that it is in the best interests of the immigrants to get culturally assimilated into their host country.However,it would be a shame if they just turn their backs on their ancestral cultures.Thus
on balance,immigrants ought to make every effort to acclimatize themselves to their host culture;but nevertheless,they should also love,honor and cherish their own cultural backgrounds,which in large part characterize themselves



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Patrick写的8/6 A 类范文

Essay Question: 8/6
Many people say that we have developed into a “throw-away society”, because we are filling up our environment with so many plastic bags and rubbish that we cannot fully dispose of. To want extent do you agree with this opinion and what measures can you recommend to reduce this problem?
In present-day society, plastic containers and utensils are extensively used in big cities and the countryside alike. They are so ubiquitous I would hazard the guess that each one of us has seen, at one time or another, the unsightly scene of plastic bags swirling in the wind. These plastic shopping bags, chopsticks, to-go boxes and mineral-water bottles, to name but a few, when not properly disposed of, create a colossal amount of non-biodegradable refuse. Therefore, some people argue that we have embarked upon a “throw-away” era when plastic trash is largely dumped indiscriminately and irresponsibly (this practice is often labeled “white pollution” on account of the color of plastic wastes). Personally , I wholeheartedly support their view.
There are numerous reasons for this worrisome phenomenon coming into being. To begin with , at present the bulk of people who shop and/or eat out regularly are still poorly-informed, uninformed or misinformed about the pernicious influence that non-biodegradable pollutants exert on the ecosystem, which is the main culprit in the global-scale mishandling of the plastic wastes. The chief component of such trash is polythene, which cannot decompose on landfill sites over the process of the next hundreds of years if no major scientific breakthrough comes along in polythene treatment. Thus, such trash must be dealt with collectively rather than be scattered like tumbleweeds. Secondly, the proliferation of plastic shopping bags and eating ware is largely fuelled by the surging, headlong consumerism. Plastic containers and utensils are lighter in weight, cheaper(often free of charge) in price and water-resistant in performance. These superior properties make them preferable to their paper and cloth counterparts in customers’ eyes; and as consumer satisfaction reigns supreme in contemporary society, compared with superb portability, affordability and utility, how to dispose of them is the last thing the customers are concerned about. Additionally, plastic bags, wrap and containers are also commercially feasible since they are cheaper to manufacture, ship and store. These mercenary considerations also have prompted the good old cloth or paper bags to be supplanted by plastic bags but over the phasing-out process, few stores and restaurants advocate or encourage the use of environmentally—benign disposal of plastic trash, hence the whole slew of non-biodegradable garbage. And environmental hazards ensue.
Given the scale and severity of “white pollution”, we must take immediate steps to address this scourge. In the first place, we must do our utmost to enhance people’s awareness of how persistent and devastating non-biodegradable trash can be to our environment and our posterity’s. Secondly, retail stores and dining establishments should spare no effort in encouraging their customers to reuse plastic packing items. Furthermore, indiscriminate and irresponsible dumping of household garbage or personal junk should be outlawed by the legislature and heavy fines or even jail terms must be imposed on those compulsive litterbugs who fail to get their act together. Then , on the part of the biochemical researchers and technologists , scientific research must be launched here and now in pursuit of effectual ways to convert non-biodegradable refuse to biodegradable refuse. Last but not least, the government must not shirk its obligations in mobilizing scientific resources and rallying popular support in the crusade against “white pollution”. Neither should it pay just lip service to relevant research and campaigns if no enough funding can be obtained otherwise. Additionally, I am convinced a customer tax levied by the government on the use of plastic bags will also help to curb thi